
I am 59 years old now. When I was 16 I became pregnant and told my parents. They gave me no other option but to get an abortion. I had nobody else and wasn’t aware of resources that would have helped me. At that age I was naive and didn’t realize that was a life already. 2 years later I learned about the development of a fetus. After that I was emotionally distraught but my parents were distant and basically uncaring individuals.

I married the guy who was the father and spent the next 20 years being abused in every sense of the word. I struggled with self hatred. I killed my own baby. For many, many years that ate at me. My life certainly was no better by not allowing that baby to live.

To this day I want to go back and change things. But now I realize it wasn’t my fault – I’m not a murderer, my parents are; the doctors are. I don’t understand how it’s ok to take an unborn life. I had 3 more children and wonder what the first one would be like. The abortion changed who I was. It seriously diminished the quality of my life and made me hate myself. It upsets me that it’s an easy option. It should not be.

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My own mother pressured me to abort my first baby. It’s a really hard pain to deal with.


OK, before I write, i need to say the following….I had an abusive childhood and the abuse in


Hello everyone – I was married at 19. I became pregnant at 19. My husband said we could