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I got pregnant a year ago at the age of 32. I wasn’t ready for that. When I


Hi my name is Jen. I Had an abortion in September of 2023. I found out i was


I was 39 happily married with 2 very young kids (2 and 3). My husband is older than


I was 15 and from a very religious dysfunctional family. I had an 18 year old boyfriend who convinced me to smoke pot then have unprotected sex. I just wanted love from any male. So 1974, Roe vs Wade changed everything with abortion. I kept throwing up and losing weight. I was too naive to understand. My parents put me in the hospital, Dr did a pregnancy test. Of course

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When I met this person I was only 19 years old when I finally let him in my life that way.. he’s been chasing me since I been in high school. Anyways he has a kid with someone else and cheated on me twice. I had the abortion cause I didn’t wanna end up like his baby mama already and cause he got Us pregnant at the same time. I

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When I had my abortion, I had no idea what I was entering into nor the change in me that would take place and reside hidden for many years to come. I remember leaving out the back door after my procedure. It was sunny, the sky had no clouds and I felt dead inside. I was married and the abortion would have been my third child. I should have known

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Inspired to Tell Your Own Story?

Join with other brave women standing up to tell their story.

What is this all about?

For far too long, we have been told that abortion causes no harm to the woman. Yet we have talked to countless women who say different. Their stories range from emotional scars to physical harm.

But because the voices are so loud, their stories have been silenced. So much so, that women often feel afraid or ashamed to admit that they have a past pain or trauma from an abortion.

We are giving women the chance to use their voice – in whatever way they feel most comfortable – and share their story. By coming together, we see that we are not alone. YOU are not alone. And your story matters.

You are in full control here. Read, listen, and leave. Record, type, and share. Whatever allows you to feel the most seen and heard, that’s your path here.

Most of all, know that you’re not alone.

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