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When I had my abortion, I had no idea what I was entering into nor the change in


This is the story of how my abortion almost killed me. I had my abortion back in 2020.


Almost three months after my abortion I began bleeding heavily and passing large clots. It started out like


I had my abortion back in April and I thought it was the right thing to do at the time, but now I know that i was wrong. We talked about having kids for awhile, we have been together for 16 years, we stopped using protection and was going to let it happen when it happened. Our close friends were also doing the same and they got pregnant after the

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It was right before the pandemic. I was with my ex boyfriend, whom I had known for years prior but had been dating for a year and a half. I thought he was the one I would marry. I always held strong opinions about abortion…I never believed in terminating a pregnancy, unless the mother was at risk and rape. However, in 2020 I had lost ability to trust anyone and

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When I was 20 years old I found out I was pregnant. I came from a very conservative Christian family who raised us on saving ourselves for marriage. I got into a relationship with a man who constantly cheated on me, and who I constantly took back. When I found out I was pregnant I was terrified, I had no idea the amount of vulnerability and fear you feel when

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When I was 39 years old, my second husband and I decided to have our second child together. We were a beautiful blended family. We had one beautiful son together; I had two sons from a previous marriage; and my husband had one son from a previous marriage also. Between the two of us, we were a family of four boys. Since we only had one child together between us,

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My testimony is filled with sin. But drastically more critical, though, it is filled with God’s love, God’s son Jesus Christ, and the power of the holy spirit. I grew up in a home with a mix of atheism and the occult. Naturally, there was plenty of emotional abuse, physical abuse, mental health issues, suicidality, narcissism, and more. I regularly heard things as a teenager from my mom such as,

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I suddenly knew I wanted a baby. I began going through my own baby clothes that my mom had saved. I started babysitting and watching kids for friends and family. I was so curious, hungry to know more about the little people all around me. One day I had a vision of my boyfriend holding a baby. We hadn’t used protection for the whole of our 1 year relationship and

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The year 2020 I had been with my boyfriend for about 7 months and I got pregnant. Around that time I found out he was not be faithful. Not necessarily having sex with other women but entertaining them and July 2020 I terminated my pregnancy with an abortion pill. Turn around December 2020 I found I was pregnant again by this time we were back good and move forward from

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I can’t believe I did this. 2 years later and I still regret every moment of this. I wish I could have met my baby. I’m sorry. Mommy is sorry. I wish I could have been strong enough. I love you baby girl. Mommy is so sorry.

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I decided to go to an abortion clinic to check out my options not because I wanted the baby dead. However I went on a bad day. I was brain fogged. The ladies at the abortion clinic took advantage of my vulnerable handicapped state. They told me the abortion pill was not reversible. So after I was peer pressured to take the pill I went home and found online abortion

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I was 16 when I got pregnant with my 21 year old boyfriend, a day after my 17th birthday, my Mom told me I was getting an abortion and she took me to Wichita to Planned Parenthood. To back up a bit, I was a promiscuous teenager, I think I was that way because I was sexually abused by my brother as a young girl. I’m not completely sure of

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Where to start ,,, my very first pregnancy I was a young teenager,, never had responsibility other than to just take care of myself,, I met a very nice young man ,,, we hit it off but I wasn’t ready to be committed to anyone but myself,, we had intercourse one night and I left his house,, he asked me to stay but I chose the door ,,, about a

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When I was in elementary school people came in from the state and told us that abortion is a thing you do if you get pregnant and don’t want to keep the baby like it’s nothing they didn’t explain how horrible it is that they pull the baby apart! This was in third grade! So to me, it seemed like it was no big deal and they also told us

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I was living very far away from my family with a man that for a brief while, I thought MAYBE I could marry and build a life with. But a part of me knew that this was not what I wanted. We were having unprotected sex after unprotected sex and the amount of times I thought to myself “we should really be being more careful” and “I’m going to end

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My name is Courtney and had an abortion at 18. This isn’t easy to talk about, but maybe someone can relate. I trusted a family friend, who was dating my 1st cousin to take me home, from a party. I had been drinking a lot, so I couldn’t drive, but instead of him taking me home, he took me to a motel and raped me. When I woke up, I

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My then fiance and I dated seven years. Before we got married, we had sex all the time and everywhere. Literally too many places to say. I had exactly 1 abortion every year and did not want to marry him, but I did. I ended up getting divorced. My ex later told his new wife, which should’ve been kept secret. My kids called me a murderer. Since then I have

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I had two abortions. One in December 2023 and one in June 2024, both were brutal and at the time I thought I was doing what was best but now I just feel shame I could of had a wonderful baby in my life but now I feel lost! So lost I tried to end my life! The boy I fell pregnant too was unsupportive and didn’t care about me

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At the age of 14 I found myself pregnant & afraid. The choice of what should be done was left up to my parents. I was seen as being too young to have a voice in the matter, so they turned to local clinics to seek guidance. Abortion seemed to be the “quick fix” answer they were looking for, however I was too far along to have one in MS.

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One day I was craving something spicy and I didn’t think much of it. The next day I wanted more spicy stuff. Then the next and next I was eating pancakes with Siracha. I joked around with my boyfriend saying I was pregnant and few days later he told me I should take a pregnancy test to be sure I’m not. I was a day late on my period so

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I’ve had two abortions in the past year. The first one was decided quickly. I had been told my whole life it would be hard for me to conceive, and when I finally did we weren’t ready. I was 22 years old and me and my partner had been drinking heavily and using drugs for a while. I knew it wasn’t right for me or my potential child. Two months

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My husband and I have been together for over half of my life. We have a beautiful and bright 5 year old daughter who is our world. Lately we have been so busy and dealing with some issues and stress from work. Our daughter was also starting to struggle and we were in need of figuring out what was going on. During all of this I realized I had missed

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Join with other brave women standing up to tell their story.

What is this all about?

For far too long, we have been told that abortion causes no harm to the woman. Yet we have talked to countless women who say different. Their stories range from emotional scars to physical harm.

But because the voices are so loud, their stories have been silenced. So much so, that women often feel afraid or ashamed to admit that they have a past pain or trauma from an abortion.

We are giving women the chance to use their voice – in whatever way they feel most comfortable – and share their story. By coming together, we see that we are not alone. YOU are not alone. And your story matters.

You are in full control here. Read, listen, and leave. Record, type, and share. Whatever allows you to feel the most seen and heard, that’s your path here.

Most of all, know that you’re not alone.

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