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I lost them before I knew I had them. We named them Vaga after the brightest star. I never knew and I will never forget. The day it happened I didn’t believe it at first. I was in pain and I just wanted my partner. I held Vega in my hands. I kept her with me for a long time. We made a memory box. I lost friends who decided I lied because they didnt look like a baby. It’s been 2 months. I don’t even think I was a month pregnant when it happened. We are still trying to heal. I still feel empty. I still get symptoms I should be excited to have.
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It was right before the pandemic. I was with my ex boyfriend, whom I had known for years


When I was 20 years old I found out I was pregnant. I came from a very conservative


When I was 39 years old, my second husband and I decided to have our second child together.