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My then fiance and I dated seven years. Before we got married, we had sex all the time and everywhere. Literally too many places to say. I had exactly 1 abortion every year and did not want to marry him, but I did. I ended up getting divorced. My ex later told his new wife, which should’ve been kept secret. My kids called me a murderer.

Since then I have been tormented by the number 7. I remember at my sister-in-law’s father’s funeral somebody said as I put the rose on the coffin, “Are you on the 7th child?” to the person behind me. It turns out the person had 6 kids with one adopted.

Suicide attempts 2 times and guilt…son saying he could’ve had brothers…etc…I do believe that abortions are wrong now unless it’s medically necessary.

My mother has passed with my 7 in heaven and my life is not looking too good on earth. She knows my secret now. I am hoping she forgives like Jesus did and hoping that life will turn out beautiful for me now as I work to forgive myself. I am sure of it!!

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