
I was 19. I was in love with a guy that was 26. I had gotten pregnant. At first he was excited, but the backlash from both of our parents, caused him to ask me to have an abortion. My parents told me if I didn’t get the abortion I would not he part of the family and they would not help me. I begged everyone please don’t make me do this.

We went to the abortion clinic where I was distraught, hyperventilating. The lady that you have to talk to before going back to have the abortion told me I could leave and talk to the father of the baby to tell him I changed my mind. I went outside to tell him and he says “We came here to get it done now go get it done and if you love me you won’t keep this baby.” I went back in there. I was laying on the cold table and crying my eyes out, hyperventilating again, the nurse gave me some pills to help relax me because I was so distraught. She was setting stuff up. As I was laying there half out of it, I said “I change my mind, I can’t do this.” She told me it was too late that the pills they gave me already killed the baby. I had to be carried out of the facility. I was never the same person after that.

I left the guy because I couldn’t look at it him without thinking about what I did. It took me 15 years of therapy and five years talking with a priest to help me heal.

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