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The year 2020 I had been with my boyfriend for about 7 months and I got pregnant. Around that time I found out he was not be faithful. Not necessarily having sex with other women but entertaining them and July 2020 I terminated my pregnancy with an abortion pill. Turn around December 2020 I found I was pregnant again by this time we were back good and move forward from pass so of course I had a healthy baby boy. Fast forward to May 2024 we took a romantic vacation out of the country for his birthday, he proposed, I accepted it and I ended up pregnant again. I was excited and kinda like dam because I got accepted into nursing school for my bachelors and I knew I would have to drop during the program and listening to friends so I terminated my pregnancy.

I regret it so bad and I can not stop thinking about it. It’s like I’m building anxiety and I just keep praying God forgives me because my fiancés did want me to do it and I made a selfish decision without including him and it is messing with head. I regret and I work in the healthcare field and I see pregnant women all the time and that really makes me think about my mess up. Sometimes I just cry. The first time did not affect me like this.

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