This is the story of how my abortion almost killed me. I had my abortion back in 2020.
Almost three months after my abortion I began bleeding heavily and passing large clots. It started out like
Hi my name is Lesli. I’m 19 years old I had an abortion about 3 weeks ago. Everyone was telling me not to keep my babies. I told the father and he said he didn’t know what to say. I was devastated. I knew I wanted to keep my babies no matter the circumstances but I decided to terminate my pregnancy. I still think about it and sometimes when I
My own mother pressured me to abort my first baby. It’s a really hard pain to deal with. I was facing an unplanned pregnancy at 25 and had so many people’s opinions being thrown at me. I sought help from a few family members and their only answer was abortion. I just got fired from my job and knew I would have heavily needed family support. All I wanted to
OK, before I write, i need to say the following….I had an abusive childhood and the abuse in some form or another lasted till I was about 24 years old. I could go on forever regarding this subject alone. I suffer from depression, PTSD, OCD. So, my first abortion was a hard decision. I was very sick physically. You could say I lost my mind. After that, at first I
Hello everyone – I was married at 19. I became pregnant at 19. My husband said we could have children later. I was a fool. Not only did I have an abortion at 19, the doctor supposedly did an ultrasound and the baby was not viable. It was horrible and I never had another one. My husband and I ended up divorcing less than a year after. He never intended
Unfortunately, I got into drugs when I was a young adult. An older gentleman literally would not leave me alone and there was crack involved and any other substance I decided to put into my trashcan body at that time of my life. I “thought” I was having fun. So sad to look back on. I had no self-worth at this time in my life. I had one child. A
I am 59 years old now. When I was 16 I became pregnant and told my parents. They gave me no other option but to get an abortion. I had nobody else and wasn’t aware of resources that would have helped me. At that age I was naive and didn’t realize that was a life already. 2 years later I learned about the development of a fetus. After that I
I am a 33 yr old woman. Every election year the trauma resurfaces from the horrible mistake society helped persuade me was the right thing to do. At the age of 21 I had just had 2 babies, 16 months apart. Three months later due to my carelessness was pregnant again. Looking back God wanted me to have that baby, I probably would of gave up being in what turned
I was 19. I was in love with a guy that was 26. I had gotten pregnant. At first he was excited, but the backlash from both of our parents, caused him to ask me to have an abortion. My parents told me if I didn’t get the abortion I would not he part of the family and they would not help me. I begged everyone please don’t make me
I’ve been carrying the weight of a decision that has deeply affected me. I chose to have an abortion, and while I believe it was the right decision at the time, I still feel a profound sense of sorrow. There are days when I wonder what might have been, and it’s hard to put into words the mixture of emotions—grief, guilt, and relief—that I’ve felt. I’m sorry if this choice
Being a mom was always something I dreamed of. I knew and know that I will make an amazing mom. It was 2 weeks ago for me. My brother had just passed away on my birthday might I add, it was like a horror story. I found out I was pregnant 2 days after we buried him. So many emotions ran through my mind, but the biggest one was who’s
I was 18 years old. I just moved out 3 hours away from home. It was me and my boyfriend living together. My parents have already disliked him even though he is very smart and takes so good care of me. It was not till November 13th, I took 3 tests, due to a missed period and found out it was positive and that I was pregnant. I was scared
46 years ago I was barely 16 and pregnant. I had an abusive father, a mother that figured it out and offered no other options and an older sister that did offer an option of abortion. I didn’t even know what that was or what was involved. The appointment was made, and the ex-boyfriends family provided the money. I know that my father would have beat me and thrown me
I had my abortion back in April and I thought it was the right thing to do at the time, but now I know that i was wrong. We talked about having kids for awhile, we have been together for 16 years, we stopped using protection and was going to let it happen when it happened. Our close friends were also doing the same and they got pregnant after the
It was right before the pandemic. I was with my ex boyfriend, whom I had known for years prior but had been dating for a year and a half. I thought he was the one I would marry. I always held strong opinions about abortion…I never believed in terminating a pregnancy, unless the mother was at risk and rape. However, in 2020 I had lost ability to trust anyone and
When I was 20 years old I found out I was pregnant. I came from a very conservative Christian family who raised us on saving ourselves for marriage. I got into a relationship with a man who constantly cheated on me, and who I constantly took back. When I found out I was pregnant I was terrified, I had no idea the amount of vulnerability and fear you feel when
When I was 39 years old, my second husband and I decided to have our second child together. We were a beautiful blended family. We had one beautiful son together; I had two sons from a previous marriage; and my husband had one son from a previous marriage also. Between the two of us, we were a family of four boys. Since we only had one child together between us,
My testimony is filled with sin. But drastically more critical, though, it is filled with God’s love, God’s son Jesus Christ, and the power of the holy spirit. I grew up in a home with a mix of atheism and the occult. Naturally, there was plenty of emotional abuse, physical abuse, mental health issues, suicidality, narcissism, and more. I regularly heard things as a teenager from my mom such as,
I suddenly knew I wanted a baby. I began going through my own baby clothes that my mom had saved. I started babysitting and watching kids for friends and family. I was so curious, hungry to know more about the little people all around me. One day I had a vision of my boyfriend holding a baby. We hadn’t used protection for the whole of our 1 year relationship and
The year 2020 I had been with my boyfriend for about 7 months and I got pregnant. Around that time I found out he was not be faithful. Not necessarily having sex with other women but entertaining them and July 2020 I terminated my pregnancy with an abortion pill. Turn around December 2020 I found I was pregnant again by this time we were back good and move forward from
I can’t believe I did this. 2 years later and I still regret every moment of this. I wish I could have met my baby. I’m sorry. Mommy is sorry. I wish I could have been strong enough. I love you baby girl. Mommy is so sorry.
For far too long, we have been told that abortion causes no harm to the woman. Yet we have talked to countless women who say different. Their stories range from emotional scars to physical harm.
But because the voices are so loud, their stories have been silenced. So much so, that women often feel afraid or ashamed to admit that they have a past pain or trauma from an abortion.
We are giving women the chance to use their voice – in whatever way they feel most comfortable – and share their story. By coming together, we see that we are not alone. YOU are not alone. And your story matters.
You are in full control here. Read, listen, and leave. Record, type, and share. Whatever allows you to feel the most seen and heard, that’s your path here.
Most of all, know that you’re not alone.